Your Needs

How can SkillSolutions™ benefit me?
Access our On-Line Checklist to determine your needs.

Implementing knowledge management allows teams, leaders, and employees to know exactly what resources are available to them in order to meet essential business demands and to plan for future needs.

Organizations can use it to:

  • See their strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to close the gaps.
  • Identify people who can grow into larger roles.
  • Implement a knowledge management strategy.
  • Create a resource data respository.

Teams, Projects, Workgroups or Alliances can use it to:

  • Track group members and roles.
  • Publish group details including contact information, working agreements and status.
  • Assemble new groups based on availability and skill data.

Individuals can use it to:

  • Manage their career development plans to include tracking, training, certifcations and experience achieved towards career goals.
  • Track their skill levels towards anticipated organizational needs so that they can meet the challenges of the future

SkillSolutions™ is a tool for everyone!

Organizations can be most effective when people have access to neccessary resources. Many of our clients are empowering their people and teams to manage resources and decisions. They are electing to use SkillSolutions™ to help them accomplish this goal.

SkillSolutions™ can be completely customized to fit your needs!

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