Working in a Cross Functional Team
Team Launch Checklist Questions to be addressed on how the team will work together
Part of the "Team Working Agreement Process"
Teams should develop a formal plan which answer the following questions:
- Who are the members of the team?
- What is the team's mission?
- What is the goal of the team?
- What are the primary deliverables of the team?
- What are the specific roles and duties of each team member?
- Will the team utilize sub-teams?
How will the sub-teams be structured? How will sub-teams interact with primary teams? Reporting mechanism
Communication updates Who are the final decision makers What are the specific roles and duties of each sub-team member?
- How will any outsourcing be structured?
- What ground rules will the team use and enforce in team meetings?
Conduct? Language? Listening/clarification? Workload balance?
Points of impasse? Points of conflict? Intra-team appreciation/thank you's? Use of time? Sharing power?
Work/family schedule issues? Others?
- What processes will the team use to:
Make decisions? Manage action items? Set priorities? Document and track agreements?
Add new members of the team or change team members
- How will new priorities and action items be managed?
Incoming point of contact Accepted/rejected Assimilated and delegated
Avoid duplication/overlaps
- How will the team work with other teams?
Communication Point of contact Resolve disputes Pass on work Take on work
Share work Send appreciation
- What diversity factors are operating within the team or between teams?
- Does the team have the needed skills or resources?
- How will the team manage skill transfer/ acquisition of new skills
Does the team, or specific members, need coaching? What training mechanisms will be in place
How will the team members have a chance to practice new skills?
- What expectations does the team have of:
Project Team Leader or Coordinator Supervisor(s) Manager(s) Director(s)